Electrical vehicles linked to better health, Artifical Whale Poo, And More

In this edition of The Hotpot: four recommended long-form articles and a video from journalists and experts in the field, to stay up to date on how to solve climate change.

The 1st recommended read

Study links adoption of electric vehicles with less air pollution and improved health

Keck School of Medicine of USC | By Zara Abrams | February 2, 2023

Researchers from the Keck School of Medicine of USC conducted one of the first-ever studies showing that electric cars are associated with real-world reductions in both air pollution and asthma-related emergency room visits. However, EVs are only one part of the solution to air quality and public health. Switching to sustainable public transportation and finding ways to help transition developing countries to a sustainable transportation future are too.

The 2nd recommended read:

Here’s how we can tackle plastic pollution to save the ocean

World Economic Forum | Kristin Kagetsu | November 10, 2022

The 3rd recommended read:

Oceans: Scientists want to restore the seas with artificial whale poo

New Scientist | By Adam Vaughan | February 22, 2022

The 4th recommended read:

Deutsche Welle | By Andreas Spaeth | January 24, 2023


Will you be eating insects soon?

The Economist | 13:21 min | Youtube

Extra offer

Ten ways to confront the climate crisis without losing hope

The Guardian | Rebecca Solnit | November 18, 2021

In an article for The Guardian, writer, and activist Rebecca Solnit offers ten ways to confront the climate crisis without losing hope, drawing lessons from the reconstruction efforts following COVID-19. She suggests focusing on community solutions, investing in public goods, and advocating for systemic change. Solnit also emphasizes the importance of staying informed, cultivating joy, and acknowledging the pain and grief caused by the crisis. Ultimately, she argues that the climate crisis presents an opportunity for transformative change, and encourages readers to join collective efforts toward a sustainable future.

Made possible by our editorial team with our main editor Lisanne Swart.

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